Better food for better skin
Experts say that a proper diet can be the key to the treatment of skin diseases.
Up to 90 percent of Australians - or 18 million people - suffer from skin disease at some point in their lives, including acne, eczema, skin cancer, psoriasis and, according to figures from the College of Australasia dermatologist. Nearly a quarter of children suffer from eczema, compared with 10 percent a decade ago and about 85 percent have acne. Although most acne clears after adolescence, up 20 percent of adults may continue.
No wonder that the skin care medications is an unprecedented growth, but some players believe in what you put inside your body is more important than our skin gets wet costly treatment. Nutritionist and author Patrick Holford says: "Your skin has improved how well you are internally and is therefore an important barometer of overall health systems of the body to obtain optimal work is important to treat skin problems diet is the key to eating to nourish your body, limiting those that contribute no nutritional value .. important. "
Many skin diseases are believed to be a reflection of hormonal imbalances and the inability to absorb nutrients and removal of the byproducts of digestion. Helen Sher, founder of the company care natural skin Sher said: "Most of our clients have been on courses of antibiotics to eradicate spots and rosacea, but not a long term solution." He emphasized that antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, which can damage the digestive and immune systems.
In case of rosacea (an inflammatory disease that affects 45 million people worldwide, where the face turns red and itchly), there are signs that many patients produce insufficient stomach acid and incomplete digestion of the resulting food is the main factor.
If the skin is the body's way of expressing its imbalances and to treat a skin problem with using creams and gels that correspond to use a warm washcloth on the tip of an iceberg. Robin explains why it is important to see the body as a whole:
Oppression epidemics [topically] can lead to the development of more serious internal complaints. This is usually seen in eczema / asthma syndrome. "
According to Michael Franklin, founder of the British Allergy and Nutrition Centre, food allergies play an important role in many diseases of the skin. "Psoriasis is usually extremely difficult to treat, but if more patients and doctors knew relationships with intestinal toxicity, there would be fewer problems. Detoxification of the liver is an important part of treatment. With rosacea, a shortage of B vitamins play a role. "
"As for acne, there is evidence that foods with high glycemic index [which measures the effects of carbohydrates on blood glucose] can aggravate some people."
What to avoid
Dr. Jonathan Wikini of UK National Rosacea, says foods that may trigger flare-ups include liver, yogurt, cheese (except cottage cheese), chocolate, vanilla, vinegar, spicy foods, coffee or tea .
Most sufferers of eczema documented reactive foods are milk, eggs, nuts, soy, wheat, fish and fruits are sown. Nutritionist Patrick Holford of skin diseases should limit consumption of sugary foods, refined carbohydrates (like white bread) and anything fried.
What to eat
The skin is the last place where the nutrients come after serving the rest of your body, so it's important to get enough things we know help the skin heal and regenerate.
Proper hydration is essential for the health system. Helen Sher recommends drinking six or seven glasses of water a day. Vitamin C and E are important for skin health - mainly as antioxidants - so include organic fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially red grapes and blueberries. Apricots, oranges, peppers, carrots, strawberries and broccoli are rich in carotenoid pigments, which the body converts into vitamin A.
Nutritionist and author Michael van strategy, says: "Carrot juice is rich in beta-carotene, a glass a day, fresh if possible, will do wonders for the skin and is a potent antioxidant."
The naturopathic nutritionist Charlotte Fraser suggests increasing your intake of essential fatty acids to help treat dry skin and acne. People with eczema and psoriasis will benefit from anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fats in fish.
Evening primrose oil is a source of gamma linolenic acid, which promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.
B vitamins are most important to the skin is biotin, which is found in bananas, eggs and rice. Zinc deficiency may be a factor in psoriasis and acne. Good sources of Znic are sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin.